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Covered Cup Flip Tumbler Set with Blush and Cut Decor

Amazingly well-preserved with hand-cut decor and circus top lids. These are very old, yet they are still in wonderful shape. The mold blown clear glass is flash stained pink, and the finish is nearly 100%. A couple pinholes (microscopic areas of worn flashing) is all that can be found and you must look very closely to see it.

The base bottom wear is a solid thick band resulting from years and years of sitting on a surface. We believe these have been either stored or in a display case, and probably unused.

There are no nicks, chips or cracks, the glass is in excellent condition. The beveled decor is hand-cut to clear. The circus top lid finials are in clear glass. The light pink color was called “Maiden’s Blush”.

Extremely interesting set. Called “covered flips” or “covered cups”. The jar body sizes imitate the size of a tall tumbler, a large hi-ball and a double old-fashioned. With the lids off, the tallest measures 5 5/8″ on a 2 1/2″ base, middle sized measures 4 1/2″ tall on a 2 6/8″ base and the smallest is 3 1/4″ tall on a 2 1/4″ base. With the lids on they measure 8.5″, 7.5″ and 5.25″ tall.

The middle size jar has a slightly darker pink stain than the other two, due to the hand done stain decor, (noticeable in high light but does not distract). Each jar has 1/2″ solid glass weighted base. These were made by a high quality elegant maker sometime in the 19th to early 20th century.

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